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Hamilton Health Sciences

Hamilton Centre for Cardio-Vascular Health

Physicians and administrative leaders of the Hamilton General Hospital proposed a unique treatment program for cardiology and vascular diseases in a multidisciplinary center. It commissioned a feasibility study to explore its options to collocate this program into the East Wing at the Hospital.

The Hamilton Centre for Cardio-Vascular Health sees 40,700 SF of the East Wing designated to address the Hamilton General Hospital’s current mandate as the regional Cardio-Vascular Program for the 21 million people residing in the Hamilton/Niagara Region. A critical element of the proposal recommends collocating the clinical practices of Cardiology, Vascular Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Stroke Prevention and Thrombosis in a single clinical practice unit. The proposed solutions align with the emerging policies encouraged by Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, enhance patient convenience by aggregating service delivery to a single location, and facilitate communication and collaboration among physicians.

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